Your heart is a wonderful, powerful, sacred fool

The fool is a great rebel, able to thwart convention and tell the truth without restraint! Your heart is a wonderful, powerful, sacred fool.. It cares not for the right way to do things, nor for what the mind says is real and not real! It lives according to an inner wisdom that cannot be dictated to or controlled by anything… 

       It Loves, It Lives and It Is What It Is!

This oracle heralds a time – now or imminently when you will feel inspired, alive and passionate for what you can offer to the world.. It says to you, Don’t try to be appropriate, don’t try to be socially acceptable and worry about what others may think about what you are doing, just be… 

If you want to wear a mad hat doing so, fine!

The sacred fool in you is willing to leave behind what has been, because it no longer feels right to stay attached to it, and trusts life completely.. It would never occur to this part of you to try and outsmart life or resist its flow, as it recognizes that the mind is a monkey puppet on strings! More often than not, it is cajoled into fear when it could be playfully dwelling in the radical spontaneity of life. So, the sacred fool in you urges your mind to let itself be pulled into joy by your heart strings, not into fear and doubt by the controlling machines of mass media…

It is time for you to play, to let life happen in a completely unreserved, unscripted way! The more bizarre, left of field, unexpected and apparently ridiculous the better.. This might not feel safe or appropriate at first, and that is ok! This is good actually, as it’s a sign that you are breaking free of your own self-imposed conventions.. It is time to move beyond them now because a bigger and better life’s adventure is calling you…

This is wonderful news, as it’s the desire of life to operate more radically through you, so that you become the conduit through which miracles and crazy wild synchronicities can occur.. You are becoming more electric, more plugged into the apparent randomness of life, because there is a refined intelligence behind it all! The sacred fool goes with this, without having to understand any of it, (which is good) since trying to access even one genuine glimpse of life’s unfathomable genius, would probably make one’s head explode…

As you take this journey, you may find that people around you are challenged! You might unintentionally cause them to rethink the way they are living is the only way for them or even the best way, and at first, they may react rather than take responsibility.. The sacred fool in you doesn’t engage with this! It is what it is, and it rises and falls as it will! It doesn’t stop you from your merry dance of unconventional being…

If you find yourself making choices that have others questioning your sanity, then you are right on course.. You may feel that you are quite possibly going insane, but you’re not crazy, you’re just approaching enlightened awareness! There is a moment, sometimes a rather long one, when we wake up to life, shed our attachment to mass opinion and float in a completely different state of being. We might find that no one is really able to understand or connect with us, to the point that we question our state of mind… 

Stay with that, it will pass, and you will eventually see that you are becoming sane in an insane world! The tables will turn, and you will gain great inner freedom and creative juice.. Stay on your path, stay on the journey, remember to take nothing too seriously, and it will all work out perfectly…

Healing Process: Say: ‘I call on the sacred fool of unconditional love, thank you for helping me access your lightness of spirit, your wisdom and your ability to exist in the heart of truth, to be powerful without becoming attached to or obsessed by power.. As I honour your vision, may I see and know so truly, and be free! I choose, of my own free will, to give myself absolute permission to just be myself now and always, through unconditional love, mercy and compassion… So be it’

                                                   ~ Alana Fairchild

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