“Joseph Lee Galloway was an American news correspondent and columnist.
He is the only civilian to receive a medal from the U.S. Army for valor during the Vietnam War—a Bronze Star with Combat V for rescuing wounded soldiers under fire in the Ia Drang Valley in November 1965.
A veteran of 42 years in journalism, he was coauthor with retired Army Lieutenant General Harold G. Moore of “We Were Soldiers Once . . . and Young”.
That book was made into a movie – “We Were Soldiers” —a motion picture based on the book starring Mel Gibson as Moore and Barry Pepper as Galloway.
“We who have seen war, will never stop seeing it. In the silence of the night, we will always hear the screams. So this is our story, for we were soldiers once, and young.”
- Joseph L. Galloway
My wife ( Anne Smith ) and I were honored to meet both LTG Hal Moore and Mr. Galloway many years ago. They both autographed their book for me. 🇺🇸
JOE LEE GALLOWAY’S ” TRUE FEELING ” ABOUT THE VIETNAM VETERAN. Quote: Joe Lee Galloway:” Damed if I’d want to go for a walk in the sun with them.”
Joe Lee Galloway’s books We Were Soldiers Once and Young and We Are Soldiers Still is FICTION!!
We Were Soldiers Once and Young is FICTION as to Hal G. Moore, Reporter Joe Lee Galloway, Vincent
Cantu, Jack P. Smith, Larry Gwin, and George Forrest.
Vietnam 1965.
JOE LEE GALLOWAY supported the enemy troops!! and dissed the American troops!!
Joe Lee Galloway PLAGIARIZED the works of Ernie Pyle.
Ernie Pyle books are Here Is Your War and Brave Men.
Joe Lee Galloway confession “I had read Ernie Pyle’s columns and his collected works and I thought if a
war comes along in my generation.”
Joe Lee Galloway “I want to cover it.”
Joe Lee Galloway “And preferably as Pyle covered his war.”
Quote Joe Lee Galloway “I speak for the Vietnam Veteran”!!
Joe Lee Galloway ” THIS WAR WE CAN’T WIN” March 1965 with the Marines, I was(disabused )
of that notion pretty early on with the( Marines.)
disabuse = Free from Error, Fallacy or Misconception.
JOE LEE GALLOWAY supported the enemy!!!
Quote JOE LEE GALLOWAY “And those guys the PAVN! there was no quit in them!”
Joe Lee Galloway “they came through a sea of our fire to close with us!”
Quote JOE LEE GALLOWAY “Well, at that moment I knew they were damn good local
guerrilla boys!
“they knew the terrain and all the hiding holes and we didn’t!!??
They were very skilled at what they did and made do with not a lot.
Quote Joe Lee Galloway ” This war we can’t win.” (Vietnam)
Joe Lee Galloway worked for UPI.
Joe Lee Galloway said “I And for me, there was the other thing, I thought “ This war we can’t win.”!!!
Quote: Joe Lee Galloway:” Damed if I’d want to go for a walk in the sun with them.”
QUOTE: Joe Lee Galloway:”Black GI’s going thru long involved black power identification rituals.”
Quote Joe Lee Galloway:
“Here dead we lie
Because we did not choose
To live and shame the land
from which we sprung
Life to be sure!”
Quote Joe Lee Galloway “I killed many enemy troops!”
Image result for non sequitur humor on reporters
non sequitur
Joe Lee Galloway war reporter
throwing the darts
plagiarism by Joe Lee Galloway he took it from Ernie Pyle’s works
Why does Joe L Galloway like using “I first went to War!!”
Just about all the troops stories in We Were Soldiers Once and Young, were chosen because they have the
origins in Ernie Pyle’s books.
Joe Lee Galloway the Liar, conman, plagiarist.
To write We Were Soldiers Once and Young Joe Lee Galloway Plagiarized the
works of Ernie Pyle a WW 2 War Reporter book’s Brave Men and Here Is Your War.
From web page https://medium.com/@Doctrine_Man/forever-young-d39ecc0e2496
Who were your greatest influencers as a journalist?
Ernie Pyle in World War II
Quote Joe Lee Galloway”My hero as a reporter was always Ernie
As a kid I read his collected works from World War II.
I thought then if I became a reporter and my generation had its
war, then I wanted to cover my war the same way Ernie Pyle
covered his: up with the troops as far forward as you can get.
I wanted to tell the stories of soldiers and Marines with such
clarity that their deaths and suffering would have meaning”
plagiarism noun
The act of plagiarizing: the copying of another person’s ideas, text or other creative work,
and presenting it as one’s own, especially without permission.
plagiarism noun
a piece of writing that has been copied from someone else and is presented as
being your own work
plagiarism, plagiarization, plagiarisation, piracynoun
the act of plagiarizing; taking someone’s words or ideas as if they were your
Quote Joe Lee Galloway about the Vietnam War, “This War we can not WIN.”
“I didn’t go around trumpeting that because I spent my time in the field with
Marines and soldiers,” ( Joe Lee )Galloway said. “I didn’t cover the politics of it.”
Quote Joe Lee Galloway “I “I didn’t cover the politics of it.”
( The War ) and
yet Joe Lee Galloway did cover the politics of the Vietnam War.
Fact this is one of Ernie Pyle’s traits during WW 2, Ernie Pyle did not cover the Big
Joe Lee Galloway plagiarized this and turned this into “I didn’t cover the politics of
it.Where Joe Lee Galloway got part of his Prologue
From Ernie Pyle’s BRAVE MEN page 464, But do not let anyone lead you to believe that they have been low.
Many, many thousands of Americans have come to join the one’s who already have slept in France for a
quarter of a century.
From We Were Soldiers Once and Young
Joe lee Galloway writes, John F. Kennedy waited for us on a hill in Arlington National Cemetery, and in time
we came by the thousands to fill those slopes with our white marble markers and ask on the murmur of the
wind if that truly the future he had envisioned for us.
Plagiarism by Joe Lee Galloway, from who, Ernie Pyle’s books.
Quote Joe Lee Galloway “Our rolls of exposed film went into small manila envelopes with
caption sheets describing what each roll contained.
We scouted around for a “pigeon,” anyone bound for Saigon who would agree to carry the
film and call UPI upon arrival for pickup.”
From HERE IS YOUR WAR by Ernie Pyle
page 18-19 Finally they boxed up their film and scouted around till they found an
accommodating RAF pilot to fly it to London.
page 214-215
We Wrote where ever we could:sitting in our cars or in some bleak country hotel.
We got our copy back to the city by many methods, including the one way of walking up to
anybody about to get on a plane and saying, “Hey, Joe would you mind taking this in for me?”
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