Bill was born in November, 1944, the son of John and Maxine Copple of Walnut Hill, Illinois. He attended Grand Prairie Grade School in Cravat, Illinois, and Centralia High School before joining the U.S. Army in February, 1966.
Bill attended boot camp at Fort Leonard Wood followed by Imagery Interpretation training at Fort Holabird, Maryland. His first duty station was Fort Bragg, North Carolina before being deployed to Cu Chi, Vietnam where he served from April 1967 – February 1968 as a Company Clerk for the 25th Military Intelligence Detachment, 25 Infantry Division. Some of his best memories were seeing Bob Hope through binoculars during a USO Show and receiving a Christmas tree in the mail from his wife, Patricia for Christmas 1967. He was discharged during the Tet Offensive in February, 1968.
Bill made it home safely and lived in several Illinois communities to include Bloomington, Saybrook, Mazon, Galesburg, and Effingham. Along the way, he worked for General Telephone, Van Devender’s Phillips 66, as an agricultural teacher at Mazon High School, Morris High School, and Carl Sandberg Community College and finally for International Harvester in Effingham for 35 years.
Bill married the former Patricia Diane Newsom on December 27, 1966 and together they have two children, Scott and Jay. His family has grown to include six grandchildren and he always has a smile to share with everyone he encounters. He continues to serve the community as American Legion Post 120 Finance Officer and Sergeant at Arms for local funeral details.
Bill Copple is very proud of his service to his country.
Thank you for your service, Bill . . . You are not forgotten.
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