Unfortunately the suffering of the Jewish identity in these world for almost 2000 years similar to the one of Africans hasn’t changed, to this day those Hitler ideas still occupy minds of many in our sadly troubled world.
When you listen to the so-called academics who publicly and unashamedly deny the holocaust after 6 000 000 Jews and other minorities died at the hands of the Nazis, then you must know Hitler didn’t die, he multiplied.
The most annoying and popular, is the view that Jews of today are not the biblical Jews therefore they have no claim to Israel. They were Jews enough to be massacred yet not Jewish enough to exist in the land of their forefathers. Again Hitler didn’t die, he multiplied!
Isaiah 11:12 “He will raise a banner for the nations and gather the exiles of Israel;he will assemble the scattered people of Judah from the four quarters of the earth”. Prophecy fulfilled!
Israel🇮🇱The nation of Jacob rest assured, He who watches over you neither sleep nor slumber! Couple of years ago, Nations killed you and hated you today they’re are in need of your expertise and knowledge in agricultural development, technology, Innovation etc.
Indeed “A stone once rejected by builders, Today it has become a cornerstone”.
Your God(Jehovah) has humbled your enemies!
I REMEMBER 🇮🇱 #YomHashoah StandWithUs South African Friends of Israel
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