King Leopold’s primary motive was to extract as much wealth as possible from the Congo, particularly through the production of rubber. To enforce his control and maximize profits, King Leopold imposed a reign of terror on the Congolese population. This photo mentioned captures a grim aspect of the brutality. Congolese…
Gardelegen massacre The Gardelegen massacre was a massacre perpetrated by the locals (Volkssturm, Hitlerjugend and local firefighters) of the northern German town of Gardelegen, with direction from the SS, near the end of World War II. On April 13, 1945, on the Isenschnibbe estate near the town, the troops forced…
Israel responded to the fierce criticism provoked by degrading photographs and videos showing dozens of naked men, some of them blindfolded, captured by the Israeli army on December 7. The government took responsibility for the mass arrests carried out by the army in the Gaza Strip the previous day. This…
In 1947, in Poland, communist authorities began a series of trials of people accused of participating in mass murder at the Auschwitz concentration camp. The second of these trials, confusingly called “The First Auschwitz Trial” (Pierwszy Proces Oświęcimski), involved 40 defendants – most of them highly placed officers and administrators…
The atrocities committed by Irma Grese are well documented and truly terrifying. As an SS guard, she was responsible for overseeing the brutal treatment of prisoners in the concentration camps of Ravensbrück, Auschwitz, and Bergen-Belsen. She was known for her cruelty and sadism and her victims included women, children and…
They are ambush predators that patiently wait for their unaware victim to scurry past their lair before they strike and eat them as soon as they detect motion. If threatened, they burrow themselves headfirst and back up plugging the hole with their abdomen. Their backside looks a lot like a…
His death is still shrouded in mystery. However, the story of this great emperor’s death is still being passed on unceasingly. The story goes that he realized that death was coming and that he would not be able to return to his homeland in time. He told his officers: “I…
Bodo League massacre was a massacre committed by the South Korean government in 1950. South Korea’s then president Syngman Rhee ordered the execution of suspected communists (people related to either the Bodo League or the South Korean Workers Party). An estimated 100,000+ South Koreans were killed and US, Australian, and…
The Freedomite movement consists of a split-off of the Doukhobors, a community of Spiritual Christians began a mass migration from Russia to Canada in 1898. The Freedomite movement first appeared in 1902 in Saskatchewan, and later in the Kootenay and Boundary Districts of British Columbia. Freedomites began to divide from Doukhobors in 1902 in Saskatchewan, Canada, self-named as “God’s people” and Svobodniki (Russian:…
The Semiramis Hotel attack in Damascus. On Sunday the 26th of September 1976 four Palestinian guerrillas from “The Black June” terror group opposed to Syria’s intervention in Lebanon, seized a hotel and 90 hostages at the Hotel Semiramis in downtown Damascus. The government reported that the leader of the guerrillas…