At the horrific battle of Ap Nha Mat on 5 December 1965, Sergeant Oliver Fugere and soldiers from the 2nd Battalion, 2nd Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, fought off a Viet Cong force four times greater than their own.
Over a six-hour period, Sgt Fugere directed his platoon in the fight, personally slayed numerous VC, and assisted in the evacuation of his wounded. When the platoon ran out of ammo, he made trip after trip stealing weapons off the dead Vietnamese for his soldiers to use. When snipers wreaked…
The Romanticization of the Dead Female Body in Victorian and Contemporary Culture
In “The Philosophy of Composition,” Edgar Allan Poe writes the infamous line: “the death, then, of a beautiful woman is, unquestionably, the most poetical topic in the world” (548). This problematic contention, which equates female death with poetic inspiration, is one of the hallmarks of the arts during the Victorian…
The Voice of a Fallen Comrade!
By Dr. Ben Guarken Chiman JUBA, South Sudan When I am gone: please pick up my gun if you can, Reload it and point it forward, be like a lion, be like an Eagle. Free Wau, free Malakal, free Jebel Boma, free Tonj, and free Torit. But be smart, negotiate…
Who Is N*ked Athena? Meet The Protestor Who Str!pped Down In Front Of Police In Oregon
That’s one way to distract the cops. As Black Lives Matter and social justice protests continue throughout the US, another one happened on Friday night in Portland, Oregon — but this time, the protest made headlines for a seriously unexpected reason: One of the protestors was completely naked from head to…
Making Sense of a Rape Photograph: Se.xual Violence as Social Performance on the Eastern Front, 1939-1944
This article begins with a disturbing image that has a no-less unsettling provenance. It shows a group of fifteen young German soldiers standing in a semicircle, carousing and laughing as one of their comrades emulates a sex act with an unidentified woman who may or may not be dead. The…
The Public Execution of the President of Liberia William Tolbert and his Cabinet, 1980.
10 years before Liberia’s President Samuel Doe met his fate – also a gruesome televised torture and murder – then known as Master Sergeant Samuel Doe, he had presided over the public execution of members of the Cabinet he had just overthrown. In 1847, with the support of US President…
 TҺe BгіtіsҺ Museum’s Lіfe аnd DeаtҺ іn Pomрeіі аnd Heгculаneum exҺіbіtіon dіsрlаys рlenty of eгotіc агt, but to modeгn eyes іt mіsses tҺаt essentіаl nаugҺty element Sex іs а ҺіgҺlіgҺt of tҺe BгіtіsҺ Museum’s exҺіbіtіon Lіfe аnd DeаtҺ іn Pomрeіі аnd Heгculаneum, аs I рoіnt out іn my гevіew. TҺe…
Mary Turner
lived c.1899 – May 19, 1918. A nineteen-year-old black woman, lynched in Lowndes County, Georgia. Eight months pregnant, Turner and her child were murdered after she publicly denounced the unlawful extrajudicial killing of her husband, Hazel Turner, by a mob. On the evening of May 16, 1918, 25-year-old white planter…
“Racism is one of the most sick and twisted manifestations of White/European people’s oppression, exploitation and domination of humanity…
although not all White/European people are racist, they benefit from it in one way or another and knowingly allow racism to exist…its reach is international in scope and transcends economic, political, social and spiritual belief systems…it is an evil and violent social construct used to justify White/European people’s crimes against…
According to an old Native American legend, one day there was a big fire in the forest.
All the animals fled in terror in all directions, because it was a very violent fire. Suddenly, the jaguar saw a hummingbird pass over his head, but in the opposite direction. The hummingbird flew towards the fire! Whatever happened, he wouldn’t stop. Moments later, the jaguar saw him pass again,…