Emily Swann and John Gallagher – “The Wombwell Murder”.

It is amazing what a glass of brandy will do! A few minutes before 9 o’clock on the morning of Tuesday, December 29th, 1903, Emily Swann was in a state of virtual collapse, moaning pitifully on the floor of her cell and yet, after a drink of brandy, she was able to regain her composure and walk to the execution room where she said, “Good morning, John” to her hooded and pinioned boyfriend, John Gallagher, as she was brought up beside him on the gallows in Leeds’ Armley prison. He wasn’t aware that she was there and was completely taken aback by this but managed to reply, “Good morning love.” As the noose was placed round her neck, she said: “Good-bye. God bless you.”

This a grainy photo of Emily Swann and John Gallagher.
The crime.
Emily was a 42 year old mother of 11 children. She was described as a stumpy little, round-faced woman, 4 ft.10 in. tall and 122 lb. in weight and from a “respectable” background. She was married to William Swann who was a glass-blower and they had a lodger, a 30 year old miner named John Gallagher, who was living with them at George Square in Wombwell area of Barnsley in Yorkshire.

It is probable that Emily and John were having an affair and it was common knowledge to their neighbours that William beat Emily at times, although whether this was because he felt she was too friendly to John or for other reasons is not known. Domestic violence was not uncommon at this time anyway. Attitudes to extramarital relationships and wife beating were very different back then, and it is probable that William felt well within his rights to lay into Emily over her liaison with John.

There had been lots of quarrels and John had decided to leave the Swanns’ household, although he was still a regular visitor. His visits always seemed to provoke another fight so he had resolved to leave Wombwell for good in June 1903 and move to Bradford.

Things came to a head on the afternoon of the 6th of June when Emily went into her neighbour’s house with a shawl over her head. She removed the shawl and showed the neighbour her two black eyes and facial bruises, saying: “See what our Bill’s done!”

On seeing Emily’s injuries, John, who was also at the neighbour’s house, became instantly enraged and said, “I’ll go and give him something for himself for that.” Another neighbour saw him dashing into the Swanns’ house, followed closely by Emily. John was shouting, “I’ll coffin him before morning.” The neighbours heard the sounds of a struggle from inside the house.
The noises of fighting went on for some 10 minutes, at the end of which John came out and went back to the neighbour’s house.
“I’ve busted four of his ribs and I’ll bust four more,” he announced. A few minutes later he told the neighbour, “I’ll finish him out before I go to Bradford.” As he went back into the Swanns’ house, he said, “I’ll murder the pig before morning. If he can’t kick a man he shan’t kick a woman.” Another fight ensued and the neighbour heard Emily say, “Give it to him, Johnny.”
Ten minutes later Emily and John emerged from William’s house holding hands and being described by neighbours as showing “every sign of affection.” Behind them, in the shambles of the house, William lay dead. John and Emily calmly went over to their friend’s house and told them the situation.
The police had been sent for and when they arrived, they immediately arrested Emily. John, however, had escaped and went on the run for two months before finally being tracked down to the house of a relative in Middlesborough, having spent some time living rough.
John and Emily came to trial on the 9th of December 1903 at Leeds Assizes, before Mr. Justice Darling. Their barrister, Mr. Mitchell Innes, admitted that the relationship between them was “of a misdirected order,” but contended that John had merely gone to the house to remonstrate with William for his brutal treatment of Emily. Their defence insisted that neither John nor Emily wanted William dead.
However, the judge advised the jury that John’s remark, “I’ll finish him out before I go to Bradford” showed that there was intent. This remark had been allegedly made between the two fights, after which he had gone back into the house and carried out his threat.
“As for the woman” continued the judge, “it is my duty to tell you that one does not commit murder only with one’s hands. If one person instigates another to commit murder, and that other person does it, the instigator is also guilty of murder.”
Not surprisingly, they were both found guilty of William’s murder on what was very clear evidence, the jury taking only an hour in their deliberations.
Emily remained calm as the foreman of the jury gave the guilty verdict and when asked if she wanted to say anything before sentence of death was passed, told the judge, “I am innocent.” “I am not afraid of immediate death, because I am innocent and will go to God.” Both she and John were then formally sentenced to death.
The judge was aware of some more evidence which it had been decided would not be put before the jury because it would prejudice Emily’s case. After the sentencing and before he discharged the jury, the judge told them that when Gallagher was taken into custody, he had told the police that Emily hit William and beat him with a poker, and that he (Gallagher) did not touch the dead man, although he was present. “That statement was not direct evidence against the woman but from the proved position of the poker I am convinced that the statement was partly true and that Mrs. Swann did really take part in the actual killing.” Understandably, this caused quite a stir. It was held up as an example of the fairness of the judicial system which declined to take unfair advantage of an accused person. It was also a matter for satisfaction to the prosecution that even without that vital evidence, the jury had still been convinced of the woman’s guilt.
After she was sentenced to death, Emily seemed quite unperturbed and smiled and blew a kiss to someone in the gallery as she was led down from the dock.
They were taken from court to Armley prison, Leeds and lodged in separate condemned cells.
Both were informed that would be no reprieves and that their executions would take place on the 29th of December 1903.
Apparently, John had not expected to be reprieved but Emily had hoped that she would be and had had major mood swings in the condemned cell where she was guarded by pairs of wardresses 24 hours a day.
Emily was greatly distressed and in a state of near collapse when the governor informed her that there would be no reprieve. Emily told her wardresses repeatedly that she was very worried about the disgrace she was bringing on her family. Emily’s family made a last, forlorn appeal to the King for clemency but this was, as usual, ignored.
The only time Emily and John saw each other between sentence and execution was at the prison chapel service on Christmas morning where they were kept separate and not allowed to speak. It is reported that they both ate a substantial Christmas dinner.
At this time, double (and even treble hangings) were still allowed and it was decided to execute them side by side. William Billington was the principal executioner assisted by John Ellis.
They went first to John Gallagher who was quite calm and pinioned his wrists behind him. He was then led forward to the gallows by warders, while Billington and Ellis pinioned the now much recovered Emily, whom they escorted into the execution shed flanked by two male warders.
John was already on the trap, surrounded and supported by warders, with the white hood over his head when Emily was led in. She would have been able to see the two nooses dangling from the beam. As she came onto the trap, Billington drew the white hood over her head and then she made her famous remark. A moment later the lever was pulled and they plummeted down through the trap together. Emily weighed 122 lbs. and was given a drop of seven feet three inches. Gallagher was slightly heavier at 133 lbs. and got a drop of seven feet seven inches. After hanging for the usual hour the bodies were taken down and placed into two black coffins. It was reported that Emily’s face bore a peaceful look and that her hands were folded over her chest. Two graves had been dug close to the shed and quick lime was placed into the coffins prior to burial.
The inquest was conducted by the Leeds City Coroner, Mr. J. C. Malcolm. The Medical Officer, Dr. Exley testified that death had been “painless” in both cases and that Emily’s death appeared to have been instantaneous and Gallagher’s almost so. He stated that the cause of Gallagher’s death was asphyxia and dislocation of the vertebrae and in Emily’s case was syncope and dislocation of the vertebrae. Syncope is a temporary loss of consciousness.

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