Do you know why your children will disobey you. even when they are still tender and living under your roof ?
They will disobey you even when they know that , they will get punished ?
It is because human beings are rebellious in nature. Humans covet power. .
People only become loyal and totally submit to you when they know that they can’t compete and win you.
They are not submitting on their own volition, they are submitting for their own safety.
Some emperors ruled for decades without being overthrown because they realized the rebellious nature of humans and doesn’t take chances.
When they smell any mischievous intents, from any of their loyal subjects, they will either exile him or execute him to prevent future headache without attaching emotion.
When they sense that your influence is growing and you are becoming a threat to them, they will set you up and execute you.
That was how they were able to rule their kingdoms for many decades without being overthrown.
You can’t protect your kingdom by being lilly livered. You must be logical , blunt and brutal.
When you see a girl hawking groundnut on the traffic, she will look humble. It is not that she is humble by nature, it is because she is humbled by her condition.
Take such girl out from the street and upgrade her level, when she realize that she can do without you, her rebellious nature will kick in.
When she become upgraded to the level that she sees herself better than you, her hypergamous nature will kick in.
These are what you should know when dealing with people especially with vvomen.
Having vast knowledge of human nature will help you to prepare for the eventualities .
To prevent power tussle at home, you wil have to rule your family like an emperor by being jealous and stingy with your power.
never give out your power to any vvoman, at any stage of the relationship no matter how humble or responsible she appeared.. it is because the power given can never be recovered without a revolt and
remember that she is rebellious in nature.
To prevent future headache,
You should map out your territory and stamp your authority.
Fish out any of her rebellious intent and deal with it decisively without attaching emotions from the onset of the relationship.
Never allow her to step on your toes or cross your boundaries without getting punished
If she can’t be tamed at the initial stage of the relationship , never proceed for the marriage. If she can be tamed , then you have won the future power tussle at home.
Remember that she won’t submit to you on her own volition, she will submit to you for her own safety, knowing that she can’t compete and win you.
Never give up your powers ..
Be wise
Don’t looseguard.
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