This is the most backward, self-sabotaging mentality you’ll ever encounter. People will sacrifice 40 years of their lives building someone else’s dream but can’t commit 3 years to building their own. It’s insanity! They’ll clock in, take orders, and live paycheck to paycheck, all for the illusion of stability. Meanwhile, their potential rots in the shadow of fear and laziness.
Let me break it down: every time you show up for someone else’s company, you’re trading your life for pennies compared to what they’re making off you. They own your time, your energy, and your skills because you gave it to them willingly. Now imagine if you channeled that same dedication into your own vision. Three years of discipline, sacrifice, and grinding can set you free for life.
But here’s the problem: most people are too scared to bet on themselves. They’d rather spend decades in the comfort zone, doing the bare minimum, while their bosses vacation in exotic destinations, living off their hard work. Do you really want to be that man—the one who dies with unfulfilled dreams because he lacked the courage to try?
Starting your own business isn’t easy. It’s not supposed to be. The first few years will test your resolve, but those are the years that separate men from boys. Three years of building something that’s yours beats 40 years of building someone else’s empire.
Men, wake up! If you can dedicate your life to making someone else rich, then you can damn well dedicate a few years to yourself. Stop fearing failure—it’s part of the process. Embrace the grind. Build your legacy. Because at the end of the day, working for others isn’t stability—it’s a slow death. Be bold. Be relentless. Own your future.
Aklahyel Goni
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