Bloody symposium
Accolades to comrades
Fallen at the fore fronts
Levelled by leaders
Exempted from the law
Neglect of human rights
Embattled leaders
Defeated in self battle
Entangled in their own craftiness
Moving with hollow conscience
Experts in painting of good image
Stealing the hearts of the masses
Enticing many a heart
Manipulating to malfunction
The heads o’ the lot
At the turn of time
The young of heart arose
To seek for their right in peace
And the lords above laws…
…drew a battle line
Disrupting the breeze tranquillity
Setting ablaze the resting nerves
With neglect the blood flowed
To the sheer delight of the initiators
Perhaps engineered to destroy the future
Solely embedded in the youths
Born out of selfish pursuit of vanity
It couldn’t be any farther…
What more can be said…
Men are enshrined in swollen emotions
With deflated hearts
Leaving fear of the morrow
Hanging at the door step
Could my hands ever stop typing
I never can tell
As my psyche seems lost in space
Engulfed in constant struggle
To unravel the cause and the happenings
Without my shut doors
A tale for the unborn
Was created undoubtedly
One to be told in low tones
And taught within learning blocks
As part o’ history of a country
…it ceased being one as a whole
Echoes the steady voice of the teacher
Who can tell this day of tomorrow?
It’s always heavy with multiple pregnancy
Birthing in tons and hundreds…
Now all but some await
The voice of the herald
With tidings from above
Of the mind of the great almighty
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