- You put yourself in that position by allowing them to disrespect you.
- You are always available for them to disrespect, ever present giving them your unreserved attention.
- You don’t want to improve yourself, you don’t want to build value, you are not doing anything serious with your life, you are not engaging your time doing something meaningful.
- You seek to impress everyone, you live in their world instead of creating yours and living in yours. People who have no life of their own will end up living for others thereby giving others the power to treat them as they want.
- You tolerates peoples nonsense too much, you are tooharmless, friendly, overly nice, gentle and understanding, people usually don’t take such people serious, they will always find room to disrespect and harm those people because they know that they can go Scott free and not be punished by them.
- Avoid staying with people who don’t value you and doesn’t respect you.
- Use absence to increase value, be busy don’t always be available for people, familiarity breeds contempt.
- Be dangerous, people needs to know that you are a man capable of causing chaos.
- Dont accept disrespect not even from yourself.
- Build your life, build value, chase money and be a man on purpose.
Source:Calvin The Urbanite
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