Have ever wondered why as a man you are constantly struggling with poverty, failure, mediocrity and addiction? Here is the big question,who have you slept with or are you sleeping with?
If you have ever come in contact se×ually with a beautiful woman who can’t control herself and have slept with many men, she might be the reason for the challenge you are facing. Same goes to women,if you have ever been sexually entangled with a flirtatious handsome man,he might be the reason for the set backs, bad luck and rejection you are currently facing. Let me explain this.
Most beautiful faces you see out there are like white sepulchres, beautiful on the outside but stinking inside. If you meet a beautiful face who is materialistic,then you have to run away as far as possible because,in the quest of fulfilling their desires most of this beautiful faces especially women go the extra mile by offering their body to different men inorder to meet up with trends and materialistic possessions.
By engaging sexually with more than one partner,they come in contact with different negative energies, which can in turn bring bad luck or ruin the lives of people they come in contact with.
In science,we call it energy, while in religion will call it spirit. And according to science, energy can neither be created nor destroyed,it can only be transformed. So how does this affect destinies?
When a man get and a woman engage in $£xual intercourse, there is usually a transfer of energy ( spirits) either negative or positive energy. Many spiritualist claim that after energy is being transferred,it last for a period of seven years, that means that,if you sexual partner is a carrier of negative energy, you will experience setback, bad luck, depression and trauma for a period of seven years.
This is why many people taday cannot tell the source of their problems, some say it is spiritual attack for their village…Check comment section 🙏
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