• Woman stripped unclad for stealing artificial hair (Photos)

    Woman stripped unclad for stealing artificial hair (Photos)

    An enraged social media user shared photos of a woman who was on mercilessly stripped unclad and paraded after she was caught stealing artificial hair, Weavons. The user, @Iamkareemberry wrote ; When women steal them go de parade them in nude… but if men steal them no de off their…

  • Death by burning

    Death by burning

    Death by burning is an execution, murder, or suicide method involving combustion or exposure to extreme heat. It has a long history as a form of public capital punishment, and many societies have employed it as a punishment for and warning against crimes such as treason, heresy, and witchcraft. The best-known execution of this type is burning at the stake, where the…

  • Burning Victims to Death: Still a Common Practice

    Burning Victims to Death: Still a Common Practice

    The ISIS video of a Jordanian pilot being burned to death prompted denunciations over this unique form of savagery. How unique is it really? The latest ISIS atrocity – releasing a video of a captured Jordanian fighter pilot being burned alive – prompted substantial discussion yesterday about this particular form of savagery.…

  • Ukraine Citizens Tie Alleged Looter to Pole With Pants Down as Punishment

    Ukraine Citizens Tie Alleged Looter to Pole With Pants Down as Punishment

    A man was tied to a pole and had his pants pulled down after allegedly attempting to loot stores in Kyiv on Monday. The photos showed the man taped around the pole at an AMIC petrol station. Police cars can be seen parked in the background. Another picture from the scene showed…