Eliza, who was the mother of six children, was described as being “of prepossessing appearance” in the press, or in modern language pretty. Once inside the inn, 18 year old George Nunn accosted her and tried to buy her a drink and talk to her. She rebuffed his advances but…
In a graphic scene, a group of detainees lie on the ground. Some are naked. An Israeli soldier can be seen stomping on the head of a Palestinian man, who covers his face with his bound hands. TEL AVIV — Several videos have emerged on social media appearing to show…
On ThisDay 21 September 1942, ‘The Great Deportation from the Warsaw Ghetto’ ended. During this 2 month period over 265,000 Jews were crammed into sealed freight trains and deported to the Treblinka death camp, where they were murdered. Recalling the Great Deportation, Holocaust survivor Chaim Kaplan recounts in his diary:…
Nordhausen was a sub-camp of the concentration camp Dora-Mittelbau. This camp was created by the SS for prisoners too weak or too ill to work in the tunnels of Dora on the fabrication of the German V1 and V2 rockets. Following the Nazi terminology, Nordhausen was a “Vernichtungslager”, an extermination…
Photo series – Intimate moments of soldiers during the world wars Until now, Michael Stokes has published eight books on a similar topic: photographs of men, sometimes with a slight sexual, erotic charge. He is also planning two books for 2020, one of which is entitled My Naked Soldier and is a…
Todays’ #BlackHistoryMonth Milestone: 1861, Civil War and the Emancipation In the spring of 1861, the bitter sectional conflicts that had been intensifying between North and South over the course of four decades erupted into civil war, with 11 southern states seceding from the Union and forming the Confederate States of…
“Men Only Correct the Women They Love” – A Harsh Truth Listen up, men. If you’re letting a woman spiral into chaos without stepping in, you don’t love her—you’re just playing along for your own convenience. Real love isn’t about passive acceptance; it’s about stepping up, holding her accountable, and…
Today marks the 71st anniversary of The Liberation of Dachau. Oklahoma has strong ties to that day through the incredible efforts of the 45th Infantry Division. The 45th Infantry Division was formed in 1923 from elements of the National Guards of four states; Oklahoma, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico. Following…
One of the most horrific terms in history was used by Nazi Germany to designate human beings whose lives were unimportant, or those who should be killed outright: Lebensunwertes Leben, or “life unworthy of life”. The phrase was applied to the mentally impaired and later to the “racially inferior,” or…