The garrote is a device thatstrangles a person to death. It very common once, is no longer sanctioned by law in any country though training in its use is still carried out in the French Foreign Legion. It was widely employed in 17th and 18th century India as an assassination…
Throughout history Man has shown extraordinary imagination in inventing penalties and sentences for crimes committed by fellow man. The Romans in particular had an almost theatrical quality in the way these punishments were dolled out. One of the worst was reserved for parricide—the killing of a parent— in which the…
He was ly.nched by a white mob General Lee was ly.nched on January 13, 1904, near Reevesville, Dorchester County, South Carolina. He was an African American man, approximately thirty years old, with a wife named Henrietta and six children named Willie, Curtis, Bertha, Timothy, Nellie, and Lila. At the time…
Despicable it might be, yet it is a relatively irrelevant incident in India. The latest is the case of Firoz, a 1 2. -year-old boy who is now reportedly suffering from serious psychological trauma after being forced by a Head Constable of the Railway Protection Force (RPF) to gather the…
Execution of rebellious tribal leaders in Yemen, 1962. The tribal leaders are being publicly executed in the town square, by sword. This is the moment of execution of one of the condemned. Mode of execution by sword decapitation, of the Toucouleur army of enemy soldiers in Sekou, capital on the…
Frank had been a typical 40-year-old dad in Kansas. He was proud of what he’d achieved in life, from his successful plumbing business to his comfortable home. His beloved wife, Sarah, had made him the happiest man by giving him a son, Jeremy. Life had been great for their little…
The Vietnamese people worked for little pay and were treated badly, as peasants. The French erased Vietnam from the map and named it IndoChina. Anyone that claimed they were Vietnamese would be jailed. The Vietnamese people worked for little pay and were treated badly, as peasants. The French even introduced…
Red Army female soldiers did not have a life to envy. The Germans called them “rifle broads.” I believe there was actually a German Directive to kill female soldiers outright, similar to the ‘commando order’. Their fellow Russian male soldiers called them “field mattresses.” The propaganda machine is quick to…
A Unclad couple were caught having sex on a rooftop – before the brazen man took a bow for the camera. The amorous pair were filmed getting intimate in broad daylight on a city centre roof in the Argentinian capital city of Buenos Aires. Shocked eyewitnesses captured the moment on…
Imagine being convicted of a crime you deeply regretted – intentional or unintentional – and being offered a pardon to absolve you of any penalty. Would you accept it? Let me tell you about a man who did not. In 1829 two men, George Wilson and James Porter, robbed a…