• Terrible! See Your Death Face On

    Terrible! See Your Death Face On

    People are standing on the melting ice cubes with a noose around their neck. The faster the ice cubes melt, the faster they are going to die. The whole world is standing in the same situation as these people and many of us don’t even realize. The glaciers are melting…

  • Captured Chinese Soldiers beg for their lives

    Captured Chinese Soldiers beg for their lives

    Captured Chinese Soldiers beg for their lives thinking that they are going to be executed, Korea 1951. During the Korean war Chinese PLA was morphed into People’s Volunteer Army that was made to be distinctly different than the PLA. one interesting engagement I read about was the engagement/ Battle of…

  • Just a couple of days ago, I heard a horrible and very sad story.

    Just a couple of days ago, I heard a horrible and very sad story.

    An Afghan patient came for a medical consultation in my girlfriend’s hospital. His medical file said that he missed a part of his penis — including most of the glans. He needed some sort of reconstructive surgery, because it looked really horrible down there — as if a bomb had…

  • U.S. Army Hangman John C. Woods Intentionally Botched Nazi Executions To Ensure Their Agonizing Deaths.

    U.S. Army Hangman John C. Woods Intentionally Botched Nazi Executions To Ensure Their Agonizing Deaths.

    The Nuremberg executions took place on 16 October 1946, shortly after the conclusion of the Nuremberg trials. Ten prominent members of the political and military leadership of Nazi Germany were executed by hanging: Hans Frank, Wilhelm Frick, Alfred Jodl, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Wilhelm Keitel, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Alfred Rosenberg, Fritz Sauckel, Arthur Seyss-Inquart, and Julius Streicher.  Hermann Göring was also scheduled to be hanged on that day, but committed suicide…

  • This bodies were left hanging for six hours.

    This bodies were left hanging for six hours.

    The Semiramis Hotel attack in Damascus. On Sunday the 26th of September 1976 four Palestinian guerrillas from “The Black June” terror group opposed to Syria’s intervention in Lebanon, seized a hotel and 90 hostages at the Hotel Semiramis in downtown Damascus.  The government reported that the leader of the guerrillas…

  • Before you call yourself a General overseer..

    Before you call yourself a General overseer..

    Do you know that prophet Isaiah was cut into half, for the gospel we are enjoying today, Do you know that John the evangelist was thrown into a pot of boiling oil.. for this same gospel of salvation of mankind. Do you know that Peter was crucified head down..And that…

  • Longitude and Transverse Impalement

    Longitude and Transverse Impalement

    Impalement is one of the earliest forms of execution, use from the second millennium BC. Impalement by deliberately driving a stake or pole into the body took two forms: longitudinal and transverse. Longitudinal impalement went through the anus and came up near the head through the chest or shoulder blades…

  • The only way a dead person will know that he is dead.

    The only way a dead person will know that he is dead.

    The dead will not recognize him dead the first time, because it will feel like in a dream, he will see him crying, and moving back to the bath, and taken to the ancestors, he will all see it in a dream, He didn’t believe that he became a corpse,…

  • Tufiakwa!!!Couple Caught On Camera Doing It Publicly In Broad Daylight (PHOTOS)

    Tufiakwa!!!Couple Caught On Camera Doing It Publicly In Broad Daylight (PHOTOS)

    A Unclad couple were caught having sex on a rooftop – before the brazen man took a bow for the camera. The amorous pair were filmed getting intimate in broad daylight on a city centre roof in the Argentinian capital city of Buenos Aires. Shocked eyewitnesses captured the moment on…

  • Sky burial

    Sky burial

    Sky burial (“bird-scattered”) is a funeral practice in which a human corpse is placed on a mountaintop to decompose while exposed to the elements or to be eaten by scavenging animals, especially carrion birds like vultures and corvids. Comparable excarnation practices are part of Zoroastrian burial rites where deceased are exposed to the elements and scavenger birds on stone structures called Dakhma. Sky burials are endemic…