• Meet Josephine Myrtle Corbin, The Four-legged Girl.

    Meet Josephine Myrtle Corbin, The Four-legged Girl.

    Josephine Myrtle Corbin was born on May 12, 1868, in Lincoln County, Tennessee, with a rare fetal anomaly known as dipygus. Her body was perfectly formed from her head down to her navel, below which it divided into two pelvises, and four lower limbs. Myrtle Corbin was also born with…

  • Dear Brandon and WalkAway Friends:

    Dear Brandon and WalkAway Friends:

    Hope you don’t mind that I’m checking back in. I grew up in a Republican household with working class parents who’d spent their childhood living through the Great Depression, their teenage years living through the Second World War, then they started fighting the Cold War in their mid-20s. I’m a…

  • Masha Bruskina.

    Masha Bruskina.

    Masha Bruskina was a Russian teenage female partisan. She was a 17 year old Jewish high school graduate and was the first teenage girl to be publicly hanged by the Nazis in Belorussia (Belarus), since the German invasion of Soviet Union on the 22nd of June 1941.  Her execution and that of the two men…

  • Executions in Berlin’s Plötzensee prison.

    Executions in Berlin’s Plötzensee prison.

    Plötzensee prison in Berlin was designed by architect, Ludwig Alexander Herrmann, and was constructed between 1869 and 1879 to serve as the new state prison. It occupied a plot of 62 acres with a six meter high perimeter wall.  Within the walls were five three story prison buildings which were originally designed…

  • Hanging


    Until 1858, the procedure of hanging was not regulated by any law or decree. How the hanging was carried out depended solely on local circumstances and decisions made by local officials in charge. No special apparatus (gallows) was used for hangings. The hanging rope would most often be tied to…

  • PHOTOS: Dad Who Became An Incubator For His Baby

    PHOTOS: Dad Who Became An Incubator For His Baby

    105 days ago we were giving 2 options when our baby was born: we could either hold him while he took his last breaths of life or we could try everything to save his life! It took no thinking!  We knew he could have been blind, deaf, or handicapped, but…

  • Kevin Carter

    Kevin Carter

    Kevin Carter (13 September 1960 – 27 July 1994) was a South African photojournalist and member of the Bang-Bang Club. He was the recipient in 1994 of a Pulitzer Prize for his photograph depicting the 1993 famine in Sudan. He took his own life at the age of 33. He won…

  • Drama as man catches his wife in bed with their married neighbor.

    Drama as man catches his wife in bed with their married neighbor.

    Drama as man catches his wife in bed with their married neighbor A man who made a surprise return to his home in the early hours of today reportedly met his wife in bed with their married neighbor. It was gathered that the man who travels a lot and has…

  • Fort Wallace June 26th 1867

    Fort Wallace June 26th 1867

    Prairie Trails Journal West of the Mississippi, there is a region where west-bound trails such as the Santa Fe Trail are crossed by north-bound trails such as the Western Cattle Trail. This area of the Great Plains stretches across Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska. The history of the Plains Indians,…

  • The death of Cleopatra, the last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, remains shrouded in mystery and historical debate.

    The death of Cleopatra, the last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, remains shrouded in mystery and historical debate.

    Here’s what we know:The Tragic EndCleopatra’s reign ended in 30 BC when Octavian (later Augustus Caesar), the future first Roman Emperor, defeated her forces at the Battle of Actium. Following this decisive defeat, Cleopatra and her lover, Mark Antony, retreated to Alexandria.With Octavian’s army closing in on the city, Antony,…