The bodies were literally in layers. A police shooter advanced by firing a submachine g*n in the neck of each of the extended people.
As soon as they were stripped naked, the Jews were brought in [Babi Yar]. They were channeled through two or three narrow passages, which led to the bottom of the ravine .
As soon as they arrived down, the Schutzpolizei agents grabbed them and forced them to lie down on the Jews already shot. Everything happened very quickly.
The bodies were literally in layers. A police shooter advanced by firing a submachine g*n in the neck of each of the extended people.
The victims arrived so upset by the horrifying scene that they no longer had any willpower.
As soon as he had k!lled one, the shooter, walking on the body of the shot, proceeded to the next one, which in the meantime had stretched out on the ground, and shot him.
It went on like this, uninterruptedly, without any distinction between men, women and children.
The children stayed with their mothers and were k!lled with them. […] In front of each entrance to the abyss there was a “packer”.
The packers were policemen and had the task of arranging each new victim over one of the previous ones, so the shooter had only to shoot a shot while he was passing “.
Hofer, German truck driver present at Babi Yar
Babi Yar is in the outskirts of Kiev, near the old Jewish cemetery, which on 29 September 1941, the day of Kippur, the day of the Great Forgiveness, the Einsatzkommando 4, under the command of the SS colonel Paul Blobel, with the collaboration of the Ukrainian police massacred the Jewish inhabitants of the oldest city of Russia with machine-guns.
The massacre continued until 3 October. Over 100,000 bodies fell over each other in the ravine.
Some victims were still breathing and they were given the final blow with grenades.
One hundred thousand people are equivalent to the population of a city like Cremona( Northern Italy town).
Most were Jews, one third of them children.
Their bodies were burned and their ashes dispersed by the Nazis and their Ukrainian collaborators on the eve of the liberation of Kiev by the Red Army, in November 1943.
On 8 June 1951 the executioner Paul Blobel is hanged in Landsberg prison.
During the Einsatzgruppen Trial, the Nuremberg Military Tribunal recognized him as responsible for approximately 59,018 executions.

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