The reason that rational people would surrender is to save their own lives and the lives of non combatants. But Hamas are not a group of rational actors, despite what the masses of university students who support these murderers, rapists and torturers by calling them a “resistance” organization.
These fools have been brainwashed by “Free Palestine” Jihadists hiding behind a screen of “progressive politics” and professors placed in key positions by sponsors in Qatar and other such places. One would have hoped that they have the sense to realize murdering babies, small children, unarmed youth at a dance party, the elderly, Thai and Bedouin agricultural workers and anyone else they come across points to something far more nefarious.
Hamas exists for only two purposes: 1) to enable its leaders and their families to live wealthy lifestyles in Istanbul, Tehran, Doha and wherever else they are welcome to plan their Jihad; and 2) to battle the West, as represented by Israel, and all others, including Muslims, who don’t prescribe to their Jihadist ideology.
These people have dedicated their lives and those of their children to the ultimate goal of sacrifice. They are only too happy to bring about the deaths of as many martyrs as they can on their way to the paradise that they believe Muhammad has promised them. In short, a Jihadist Islamic death cult has no reason to surrender.
Nevertheless, I have read that some are reconsidering, and the Israelis are apparently gaining valuable information from the hundreds that have defied their leaders and surrendered.

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