Irma Grese, was born in 7 October 1923
Wrechen, Germany…became a camp guard at the age of 19, and, in March 1943, she was transferred to Auschwitz.
She rose to the rank of Senior SS-Supervisor in the autumn of 1943, in charge of approximately 30,000 women prisoners, mainly Polish and Hungarian Jews. This was the second highest rank that SS female concentration camp pesonnel could attain. Grese was convicted of crimes involving the ill-treatment and murder of prisoners committed at Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen concentration camps, and sentenced to death at the Belsen trial.
After the war, survivors provided extensive details of Irma Grese’s murders, tortures, cruelties, excessively involvement in sexual activities with male and female mates and prisoners during her years at Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen. They testified to her acts of pure sadism, beatings and arbitrary shooting of prisoners, savaging of prisoners by her trained and half starved dogs, to her selecting prisoners for the gas chambers.
She habitually wore heavy boots and carried a whip and a pistol. She used both physical and emotional methods to torture the camp’s inmates and enjoyed shooting prisoners. The skins of three inmates that she had had made into lamp shades were found in her hut. In January 1945, she returned to Ravensbruck Concentration Camp before being transferred to Bergen-Belsen in March.
After the Kommandant of Bergen-Belsen, Josef Kramer, Irma Grese was the most notorious defendant in the Belsen Trial, held between September 17 and November 17, 1945. Grese was convicted and sentenced to be hanged. She was executed on December 13, 1945. ⚜MOSS
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