“Today marks the 55th Anniversary of my Brother Sp4 Larry Ralph Lalan who was KIA in Vietnam. The pain eases but never completely goes away. Such a terrible loss of 58,220 young Americans killed in a Conflict that never should have been. He was only 20 when he was killed, and I was 19. Our little sister, Lisa, was three and Larry adored her. She didn’t understand why he didn’t come home and asked, “Where is my Larry?” for a long time after his death. He had such a promising future.
He was handsome, smart, an amazing athlete and just an overall great guy. I can’t help but wonder what he would have accomplished in life hadn’t he been cut down in his prime. His loss was not only ours but that of the community as well. I will keep his memory alive until the end of my time. Larry was my hero in life and my hero in death. I miss him so much.
Love you beyond words Larry. Until I see you again, Rest in Peace Dear Brother!!”” SP4 Larry Ralh Lalan is honored on Panel 39W, Line 44 of The Wall: https://bit.ly/3bVqFcF To honor your Vietnam veteran on our Facebook please fill out the following form: https://bit.ly/3k7AlWK”
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