On this day lost, but not forgotten. Walter D. Faith was born on October 10, 1947, one of five children – two boys and three girls. His home of record is Sayreville, NJ. As a boy, he was nicknamed “Chipper” by his mother, Dorothy, because he looked just like his father, “a chip off the old block”.
Walter was drafted into the US Army and landed in Vietnam in December 1967. He was an infantryman serving with the 1st Cavalry Division. He attained the rank of Private First Class (PFC).
In February 1968, Faith was fighting in Thua Thien Hue, a northern province in Vietnam. He was wounded on February 22, 1968, while trying to rescue buddies who were ambushed. He died two days later on February 24, 1968. For his heroic action, he was awarded the Silver Star. The Silver Star is the third highest military honor for bravery. In addition, he was posthumously awarded six other medals.
In June 2003, Laurel Spring Park in Sayreville, NJ, where Walter played baseball, football and basketball as a boy with his friends, was renamed PFC Walter D. Faith Memorial Field, in his honor. Previously, Sayreville named a street in Faith’s memory – Faith Drive.
Sources: Newspaper clippings and NJVVMF.
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